Lin Manuel Miranda Zen-365

Born: January 16
Lin-Manuel Miranda created and starred in the Broadway musical Hamilton
Hamilton ends on who lives, who dies, who tells your story? It forces you to think: “What the fuck am I doing with my life?” If you’ve spent the day watching Netflix and then you rolled up to the theatre and watched Hamilton, you’d be like: “What did I do today? Look at what they got done!”

"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life."
Lin Manuel Miranda Zen-365

Zen balance in life

Hamilton has come in for criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement for not exploring the fact that the main characters were slave owners.
"I’m trying to present them as flawed and as complete as possible...what I console myself with is the fact that the show is a starting point for conversation. We’ve always seen Hamilton as a gateway, not as a comprehensive history. It can’t encapsulate it all.
Lin Manuel Miranda wrote flaws in the hero and goodness into the villain.
This is Yin Yang balance.