
Born: September 25
Willard Carroll Smith Jr. is an American actor, rapper, and film producer. In April 2007, Newsweek called him "the most powerful actor in Hollywood". Smith has been nominated for five Golden Globe Awards and two Academy Awards, and has won four Grammy Awards.

“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, than you are wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other people’s lives better.”

Zen balance in life

Anyone reading this post 2022 Oscars remembers Will Smith for a certain slap to Chris Rock - but that shouldn't define him. Will Smith is a human being and with this in mind we should all look at our own lives. The slap divided opinion but only he alone knows if he is at peace with his actions.
Contemplate Yin and Yang - there is no good without bad, no happy without sad, no light without.dark and contemplate Will Smith - as an inspirational actor, as a role model, as positive as his motivational speeches have been he is still a human and still as fallible as all humans. Lets consider this - as good as we all try to be, we all have a seed of the opposite force inside us.